Bringing sustainable water solutions to Korah is one of our priorities. With clean and reliable water, communities can thrive, children can attend school, and families can stay healthy.
Providing Life-Giving Water to 3,000 Students in Korah
HFK has been working to bring clean water to Biruh Tesfa (Bright Hope) Primary School, located near our Berta feeding center. Many of our children attend this government school which is one of the poorest in the region, with extremely limited resources. Classroom sizes often exceed 70 students, making it challenging for both teaching and learning. A major issue the school faces is the lack of access to clean water, as their water pump has been broken for the past two years. As a result, students have been forced to bring their own drinking water from home, and there has been no running water for the lunch program, bathrooms, or sanitation needs. This has led to poor hygiene conditions, increasing the risk of sickness and disease spreading among the 3,000+ students.
When the school reached out to HFK late last year about their desperate lack of water, we knew we had to take action. We immediately began covering the cost of hauling 34,000 liters of water to the school each week! However, we also knew that a more sustainable solution was needed.
When the school reached out to HFK late last year about their desperate lack of water, we knew we had to take action. We immediately began covering the cost of hauling 34,000 liters of water to the school each week! However, we also knew that a more sustainable solution was needed.
We’re pleased to share that HFK is helping to revive the school's well and ensure access to clean, safe water! Through this project we will:
Restore the Well and Install a New Pump:
- Clean the borehole to remove debris and contaminants.
- Assess the depth of the well to place the pump correctly.
- Install a robust submersible pump for consistent water flow.
Ensure Safe Water Quality:
- Test the water to meet local and international health standards.
Provide Water Storage and Distribution:
- Install two 25,000-liter water tanks for storage.
- Set up plumbing to bring water to key areas of the school.
- Add handwashing stations, especially near the cafeteria, to promote hygiene.
Install Purification Stations:
- Set up consumable water stations with UV purification to ensure safe drinking water.
Upgrade Sanitation and Feeding Facilities:
- Connect the new water lines to the washrooms and cafeteria to improve sanitation across the school.
- Renovate and upgrade outdoor kitchen and sinks.
Access to clean water is not just a basic need—it is a gift from God and a reflection of His provision and love. Clean water brings health, dignity, and hope, enabling children to learn and thrive in a safe environment. HFK is so pleased to have the opportunity to work with Biruh Tesfa Primary School and be part of God’s work in transforming lives. With God's help and the generosity of many, we can spread love in tangible ways and make a lasting impact.
Give to the Biruh Tesfa - Water for Korah Project
The total estimated cost for this project is $30,000 USD, and we hope to have it fully funded by the end of April 2025. As you can see by the photos in the slideshow below, this project is "well" underway, and the school is anxiously awaiting their new water system to be completed.
We invite you to join us in supporting the Biruh Tesfa School - Water for Korah project. Your generosity will play a vital role in making this project a reality, greatly improving the well-being and educational experience of over 3,000 students. Together, through faith and action, we can make a meaningful difference.
If you’d like more detailed information about the Biruh Tesfa water project, receive a copy of the project proposal, or if you have any questions, please contact HFK's Deputy Country Director, Jake Boner:
Additonal Water Needs
Help Us Bring Fresh Water to Korah
Due to poor sanitation, lack of water resources and intermittent city water service in the community, there is an ongoing need for water in different areas of Korah.
Today, Hope for Korah continues to truck in water to five of our project compounds: HFK's Education & Youth Empowerment Compound, Day Care Centre, Elders' Home, Berta Breakfast Compound, and Socio-Economic Empowerment Compound.
Bringing Water to 7,000 Students at Abune Basilios School
We are so grateful that the building of the Abune Basilios School water well is now complete. A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible!
Below you'll find the final water update and video celebrating the completion of the well. Scroll to the bottom and then scroll up, to follow the entire journey of building the Abune Basilios School water well, from start to finish.
Water Well Update #8: Celebration Time!!
March 22, 2023
Today, on "World Water Day" we are delighted to share with you the excitement we all felt last month when we celebrated the completion of the Abune Basilios School Water Well.
Many people came together for this special occasion and acknowledged all the contributions made by a wide variety of stakeholders. This truly was a "Working Together for Hope." School administrators, teachers, parent committee, hydrologists, water engineers, drilling company, government offices, Ministry of Education, Hope for Korah staff, board and donors were all on hand to witness the commemoration of the well and the garden area donated by Hope for Korah to the children of Abune Basilios School. Everyone is thrilled that this 220 meter deep well is now operational and a sustainable water source for 7000 children. And the presence of those children nearby laughing, playing and dancing throughout the festivities added to the joyous atmosphere and the significance of this achievement.
Lastly, we thank God for how He inspired people to give and brought together all the workers who collaborated on the building of this well so that the children have water today and for years to come.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen!
Water Well Update #7: Our Reason Why
December 16, 2022
Here is just over one tenth of the reason why we are building a well! Putting it into perspective: this is only 800 of the 7,000 students enrolled at Basilios School. The student population grew significantly this fall when they opened up a new high school on the school grounds. What a privilege to be able to impact the lives of so many children!
Water Well Update #6: Kitchen Staff are Thrilled!
December 7, 2022:
Just one year ago, we shared of the struggle faced by over 60 kitchen staff at Abune Basilios to secure clean drinking water for the school's feeding program. These woman would walk 1 km to the nearest water source and return carrying 25 L of water on their backs. Today, they were elated to walk a few steps to fill up their buckets with an abundance of water. What a difference God can make in one year's time. Please continue to pray as we finalize the last components of the Abune Basilios Water Project
Water Well Update #5: Rainfall - Ground Up!
December 3, 2022
Fresh water is pouring ground up at Abune Basilios School! During the well casing installation process, a tremendous amount of water has been shooting sky high, creating the appearance of a drenching rainfall. This water project is close to the hearts of many and this special moment solidified the dream of Abune Basilios School finally having a reliable water source.
Water Well Update #4: Big Water Strike!
November 23, 2022
We struck it BIG!! Water is springing up everywhere! Drilling was completed when we hit the aquifer at 220 meters with many water strikes along the way. This depth is equivalent to 721 feet or the length of 2 1/2 football fields. "Thank you God! This will be a high yielding well!" There are still important steps ahead, with the most crucial being the steel casing installation. Stay tuned, we will be sure to keep you posted.
Water Well Update #3: The Excitement Begins!
November 16, 2022
What a long anticipated and exciting day!! The heavy machinery and drilling equipment has arrived on site at Abune Basilios School. Now that the crew has been mobilized they will be assembling the drilling rig over the weekend and drilling for water to be started soon. We can't wait and will keep you posted!
NEW!! This fall a high school was built and opened at Abune Basilios, which added 2000 students to the school population. This means 7000 children will soon receive clean water from this well!!
Water Well Update #2: AMAZING NEWS!!
March 2022
We are so excited and grateful to share the amazing news that the deep, high yield water well planned for Abune Basilios School is fully funded!! Thank you to each person who has given to help make this possible. We can't wait to get this project started!
School of 5,000 has no access to water. Students had not washed their hands in two years.
Situated next to the trash dump, children from Abune Basilios School are from the poorest families in Korah. With over 5,000 students and 267 staff, we were shocked to find out they had not washed their hands in two years! Why? No water. Neither had their toilets been cleaned for two years!! Can you imagine? The sanitation was horrible. Teachers would not work there because of the stench.
Every day 20 support staff walked 1 km to the nearest water source and returned carrying 25 L of water on their backs. The school was gifted 9 cows for milk, but they required too much water and were about to be sold. Without water this school was struggling.
In February 2021, HFK responded to their need by trucking in 20,000 L of water every week, which months later increased to 60,000 L of water. Students began washing hands once a day and toilets were cleaned twice a week. The cows stayed and over 900 kindergartners drank milk! But the need is still much greater...
October 2021 Update - Due to covid restrictions lifting and increased school enrollment HFK is now trucking in 100,000 L per week. Wanting a sustainable solution to this problem, HFK has consulted water professionals and engineers who assessed the current situation, and it has been decided that a deep high-yield well is the best option to bring a long-term solution for this school!
Our goal is to build a well that will provide the school with a sustainable source of water for years to come. The plan is to build a deep well with a high yield pump and power generator in the spring/summer of 2022. The system will be setup to fill the 100,000 liter reservoir every other day to meet the needs of the students, staff and dairy cows. The school is also planning to allow access to the well water by neighboring residents.
Water can change this school and empower these children, but we need your help!
This is our biggest need, there is nothing more I could ask for… You have given us hope that we can solve this problem. Thank you!"
At the time of filming, HFK was trucking in 20,000 L of water to this school. Presently HFK is bringing in 100,000 L per week. The need for a deep high-yield well is great and will bring a sustainable, long-term solution for this school!
VIDEO: Bringing Water to Abune Basilios School
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