Literacy & business training play a key role in equipping men & women for future employment, or for launching a small business. Because future success largely depends on families staying healthy, HFK families also receive regular health education to learn about things like family planning and preventing the spread of different illnesses, and disease.
Adult Literacy
In February 2015, with the support of the local government instructors, Hope for Korah (HFK) began offering its first literacy class. Since most of our beneficiaries are women who come from the countryside where female education is not a family priority, illiteracy is common. As one can imagine, not being able to read or write is a significant disadvantage, particularly in an urban setting. This limits job opportunity, increases vulnerability, and most certainly has an adverse effect on one's confidence.
There are several levels of Adult Literacy Training which are offered to our beneficiaries. Participation in Literacy and Numeracy classes is one way that HFK can assess our families and determine whether they possess important skills that are deemed necessary to gain dignified employment and self-sufficiency. Hope for Korah believes that adult literacy is a key to helping individuals break the cycle of poverty.
Health Education
Health education plays an integral role in empowering and equipping families to be successful in their future. With knowledge, families can learn how to prevent illness and diseases caused by poor hygiene and sanitation, and can learn to detect early warning signs so they can seek treatment before problems progress. Because health problems have such a direct impact on family stability and one's ability to work and maintain income, it is essential for them to know how they can play an active role in keeping themselves and their families healthy. Our Public Health Officer and nursing team provide education to the HFK women on topics such as family planning and reproductive health, nutrition, and preventing trachoma. Additionally, they receive interactive trainings on skin and hair hygiene, and sanitation techniques to prevent lice, parasites, and the spreading of germs and diseases. For more details on HFK's health services, follow this link to our Primary Health Services Centre page.

Business Training
Using a holistic approach, business training provides families with the skills, confidence, and resources that they need to move towards self-sufficiency. Families receive group and individual training on business concepts and skills, and learn how to conduct a market assessment to ensure that there is sufficient demand for their business or product in the community. Through training and practice within their Self-Help Groups, women learn how to open and use a bank account, and begin saving money in both their personal and group bank accounts. Training also helps individuals identify their intrinsic resources, so that they can look within themselves to utilize the many strengths and talents that they already possess. By expanding their understanding of the resources available to them, families learn to look beyond just the material resources that they have, and become empowered to tap into the potential within themselves and their community.
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