Business start-ups and small grants provide families with the captial needed to move toward self-sufficiency.
Business start-ups consist of a combination of a participant’s personal savings, self-help group loans, and a HFK grant. Prior to launching their business, individuals complete a S.M.A.R.T. business plan and receives business consultation and guidance from our Socioeconomic Empowerment Officer and social work staff.
Not all families’ heads of households are entrepreneurs. Therefore, small grants are also available to those who decide to work in the employment sector, but their grant must be used toward empowerment of their family. For example, some families may put their small grant toward educational opportunities or toward purchases for a small business that they run on the side.
Whether starting a business or employment, individualized counselling support is provided to each family for one year after they have launched their income generating activities. This mentorship process aims to ensure that our families feel empowered and supported in overcoming challenges they may face as they start their personal business, co-operative, or employment.
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