Our Elders Have a New Home

By: Claire RozekPosted On: May 7th, 2024

Our dear elders have a new home and we couldn't be more thrilled!

The Elders' Home is now located directly across the street from our main office and Socio-Economic Empowerment Compound! This will mean more visitors for the elders and daily interaction with others in their lives. We have also moved our Health Services office into their compound, which is a big plus too as our nurses can now monitor the elders health on a daily basis. This new health office also makes it much easier for our children and families to access when needing medical support.

We are so grateful and thank God for His goodness in providing this is a beautiful compound. For several years, we had been hoping and praying to one day rent this place as it is in such a strategic location for us as. Having two compounds in such close proximity will also offer many other opportunities for our programs and larger gatherings.

We are excited to share it with you and hope you enjoy the tour!

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