International Day of Families

By: Eve PohlPosted On: May 15th, 2024

Today, we join the global community in celebrating the International Day of Families – a day to be reminded of the invaluable role families play in society. At Hope for Korah, our dedication to Keeping Families Healthy & Keeping Families Together lies at the very core of our mission, resonating deeply with the essence of this special day.

In the heart of Korah, our community stands not only as an organization but as a family itself – a sanctuary for those who have been abandoned and left behind. Here, amidst the harsh realities of economic hardship, orphanhood, and teen pregnancies, families work together to overcome the challenges of poverty and discrimination. Living in cramped, unhygienic homes can exacerbate relational issues, while the responsibility of caring for elderly parents adds yet another layer of stress for many households.

Through our Family Empowerment and Sponsorship Program, we extend a lifeline to those facing economic adversity. We understand the intricate dynamics within families and provide individual and family counselling to help navigate through relational challenges. Our holistic approach addresses spiritual, emotional, physical, and psycho-social needs, ensuring that families receive the comprehensive care they deserve.

The transformation we witness is truly remarkable. Families once torn apart by hardship are now reunited and thriving, filled with hope for the future. While there are still many families we are yet to meet, we trust that the daily work we are dedicated to will continue to have a lasting impact in the Korah community. As we celebrate International Family Day, let us renew our commitment to supporting families in need, both in Korah and around the world.

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