Korah is a community characterized by contrasts. Stories of pain, loss, and economic hardship are common in Korah, yet the depth of strength, resilience, and generosity in this community is strikingly apparent.
In the darkness, there is hope. And in the pain, there is healing, comradery, and compassion. Each person has a story. And in each person's story is a beautiful picture of the resilience of the human spirit. It is our privilege to share a snapshot of life in Korah with you through the perspectives of different individuals from our program whom have inspired, challenged, and awed us with their strength and courage.
Meet The People of Korah
Read stories and get to know the people of Korah. Includes personal reflections of staff members impacted by individuals of Korah.
Please Note: Some of the names in the following stories have been changed to protect the identity of these individuals

Meeting Beylanesh in a small, dark and dilapidated hovel was the moment that changed everything for Hope for Korah's founder, Eve Pohl. Her painful story of suffering, abandonment and extreme poverty eventually leads to a changed life and a new hope for Beylanesh and many other vulnerable children and families in Korah, Ethiopia.
"Standing there in the dark, I felt so helpless, yet I sensed in my heart God’s gentle, quiet voice say to me… 'Eve, this is your family now, and I want you to treat her like she is a part of your family.' I had no idea how to live that out, but God made a way and even more so -- as Beylanesh became the seed that led to the founding of Hope for Korah.
Years later in 2021, when celebrating HFK's 10 year anniversary, I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to honour Beylanesh and give her the opportunity to share her story with you. We filmed this in August of that same year, and I had never heard about her childhood before, or understood the full significance of those words God whispered to me in the dark of our first meeting, 'This is your family now'. "
-- Eve Pohl, HFK Founder/Executive Director
Senayet’s first husband died not long after they had their second child. She later remarried but was abandoned by her second husband while pregnant. Of her four children, two have significant health concerns and it has been difficult for Senayet to afford the medications they require. She also supports her elderly mother who lives with her.
PRIOR TO SPONSORSHIP - they lived in a very small home and Senayet used to beg on the streets to provide the best she could for her large family (watch above video - Compelling Home Visit at Senayet's). She is a proud graduate from our Economic Empowerment program and now works as a guard for a local organization. As is true for many families in Korah, it takes multiple sources of income to make ends meet, especially with a large family; she recently started her own spice business using money she had saved and a special gift from her sponsor.
Senayet has lived a very difficult life but has demonstrated incredible strength and dedication to her family. This is a woman who has worked hard to keep her family together and persevered despite tremendous adversity. She is such a light and a great role model for all our families.
AFTER SPONSORSHIP VIDEO - Senayet Perseverance Despite Adversity:
Emiwedet embodies the heroic nature of sacrificial motherhood. She has persevered and stood in the gap, fighting for dignity and for her son, in spite of the significant emotional and physical trauma she has endured.
Married at 13, and pregnant at 16, Emiwedet became unconscious after 4 days of an arduous, obstructed labour and awoke 24 hours later. Tragically, her unborn baby did not survive and ever since, she has suffered the severe physical and emotional effects, medical complications and stigma associated with an obstetric fistula. Emiwedet's life is a compelling example of how an estimated 2 million women are impacted by this most serious and preventable injury.
In this touching video, Emiwedet shares her story, the hope she has found and her fears for the future, as she works to become self-sufficient while caring for her special needs son, who was also born during a second, obstructed and difficult pregnancy.
A Personal Reflection written by: Jake Boner
"I Set Out to Change Lives – But a Courageous Young Boy Changed Mine"

Over the course of the last three years, God has put a place in the center of my heart -- Korah, a neglected and poverty-stricken community outside of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. For me, Korah is more than just an urban slum on the outskirts of Ethiopia’s capital city. Korah is the epicenter of my most meaningful relationships and the beginning of my spiritual journey.
Last year, I witnessed first-hand the painful reality of everyday life in Korah when I met a young boy named 'Aleyhu'. When I first encountered Aleyhu, he was hobbling through Korah on only one leg with both of his eyes covered in rags. As my eyes made contact with him, he suddenly tripped and was thrown to the ground. Unable to see where he was going, and without anyone to help him, he had lost his balance and fell. He looked so defeated and helpless as he lay in the dirt. I had no idea who this boy was, but I immediately rushed over to help him stand up. As I inquired about Aleyhu's story, I learned that he had lost his leg in an accident while scavenging at the local garbage dump trying to earn enough money to eat. He was run over by a bulldozer. Compounding this tragedy, was the fact that he had just lost his mother, and was recently diagnosed with a lifelong illness. I could not begin to comprehend how any child could bear such enormous challenges at such a young age. That entire day, Aleyhuand his story did not leave my mind. God had put him on my heart.
I met Aleyhu the next day and brought him to the local medical clinic. I carried him in to the nurse, and asked her if she could do anything for him. She cleaned his eyes and for some time we prayed over him. Having done all we could, we left Alayu in God’s hands.
Four months later, when I returned to Korah, I unexpectedly felt a small hand touch my back. As I turned around, I saw Alayu looking up at me with beaming eyes, both as good as new. He took a few steps back and proudly showed me his new prosthetic leg. He had a giant smile on his face and all I could do was embrace him. Aleyhu was now a part of Hope for Korah's Family Empowerment Program. For much of that morning he would not leave my side. He was a whole new person, beaming and full of life. It was truly a miracle. I have never experienced first-hand, a story of redemption as mighty as this. God has a special purpose for Aleyhu's life. So many of his trials and woes have been turned into smiles and praise. I look forward to watching Aleyhu grow up to be a strong leader and voice for Korah. He has forever changed my life and will always remain very close to my heart. I set off to Korah to change lives, but I never imagined how a courageous young boy named Aleyhu would forever change mine.
Here is the incredibly inspiring story of Aleyhu. This young man knows the value of hard work and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He has risen to every challenge, and we are so proud to share this encouraging video of his life with you.
A personal reflection & tribute written by Eve Pohl

There are those few people in life that you will never forget. Those who touch your heart and leave you forever changed. For me, Berhanu Bishaw was one of those people and it is with great sadness that I received the news this week of his passing. He will be dearly missed. He was my prayer warrior, my friend… and his gift to me humbled me and encouraged me. On those days when I struggled, or things in my own life seemed hard, I always knew on the other side of the world, Berhanu was praying for me.
Over the years I never once saw Berhanu in the streets of Korah… due to his diminished health and vision he was always limited to the area in front of or inside of his one-room mud hut. During our many home visits together he would always share his thoughts and opinions in such a way as to bring much laughter and many smiles to others. Even through his cataracts, you could see a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He was a real character, gentle and kind. When he prayed - he was PASSIONATE!! Oh my, he would cry out to God, hands stretched heavenward and bless us with such animation and vigour. What joy filled my heart! I always left smiling, until recently... over the last few visits as his energy and heart was struggling, my own heart became heavier, already grieving, knowing this dear, sweet friend would soon be leaving us.
I will never forget these words that he repeatedly shared with me. I cannot tell you how often he told me;"Every day, I come out here and I sit on this log…. And I pray for you! I pray every day for you - that God will bless you and your family! I pray God, please give her strength, please give her long life! I pray Heaven for you Eve!" Berhanu did this for me… every day for almost four years.
It will always bring tears to my eyes, I don't get it? Why me? Why am I so lucky? Why am I so blessed to be known and loved and prayed for by Berhanu… someone who has struggled and lived under such horrendous conditions… isn't it me, who should be praying so fervently for him? He has suffered the pains of extreme poverty, the ravages of leprosy, lives isolated in a little shack, in an urban slum, in the middle of a city of millions, is completely unknown and on the other side of the world. How did I even come to know him and in such a way that he would feel led to serve me? To pray for me and with such faithfulness? This is not something to be taken lightly, this is a treasured gift, one of the greatest God has given me and I am so thankful, so honoured to have known Berhanu. I will always cherish his friendship and he will continue to encourage me and motivate me to follow close after God, to put one foot in front of the other, even when days are hard because I am certain I now have a prayer warrior in Heaven that is standing in a crowd of witnesses, cheering me on to finish the race and to finish it well. What more can I say? I am blessed!
Berhanu - you were a loving husband, a good father and a committed friend. We love you and you will be dearly missed!
With deep respect and much love, Eve

As a young man, Lemma was in love with his beautiful girlfriend Tigist. However, the two were separated when he served in the Eritrean War. Tragically, while he was in combat, he was severely injured and had both of his lower legs amputated. When Lemma returned home distraught and overwhelmed by his new disability, he encouraged Tigist to leave him, believing that she deserved better than what he could offer her. Consequently, they were separated again, but one year later, Tigist returned to Lemma, expressing that she only wanted to be with him; that she loved him and his disability had not changed the feelings that she had for him. The two were married, and now Lemma is a loving father to four children.

Hope and selfless love is so evident in the relationship that Lemma shares with his wife Tigist. Together they have overcome war, separation, disability, and extreme poverty, while remaining faithful and committed to one another. Tigist and Lemma have actively engaged in Hope for Korah's Family Empowerment Program, and refined their skills and business knowledge through income generation and business training. As part of a Savings & Credit Self-Help Group (SHG), Tigist and Lemma have practiced saving their money, advocating for themselves and their community, and even borrowed the first loan from their SHG to launch their Legal Paperwork Services business. Being fully literate, Lemma completes necessary legal documents for those who are unable to read and write. We are both proud and inspired by the perseverance and hard work displayed by this family that has never given up, no matter what obstacle they have faced!
Today we celebrate that Lemma and his wife have successfully completed their first year of the transition process out of sponsorship, and now are fully paying for their own rent, groceries, and teff. Lemma's business is going so well in fact, that he plans to fund a completely new start-up business for his wife Tigist, so that she can pursue a job closer to her own passions!
Written by Eve Pohl

It is by God’s grace that Sawanet is alive today. She was literally on death’s doorstep. When I first saw her sitting quietly beside her mother on the edge of the dirt road in Korah, I had no idea how truly sick she was. With only the clothes on her back, Sawanet’s mother had left her children and home in the countryside to bring her very sick daughter to the city. As with others who end up in Korah, she was desperate to find help. One year earlier Sawanet was a healthy young girl, running and playing, and attending school until one day she fell, hurting her hip. Without access to medical care it was left untreated and became infected. Now Sawanet could barely walk, she had developed abscesses on her arms and was weak, anemic and very underweight at only 17.8kg. The doctors who saw her that day were shocked by her grave condition. Thanks to their vigilance, we were alerted to her condition and decided that Hope for Korah (HFK) would do all that we could to save this child. She and her mother were immediately moved into our HFK Compound and cared for by our staff and nurses.
We brought Sawanet to The Cure Hospital in Addis Ababa for an assessment with Dr. Richard Gardner an orthopedic surgeon. She was diagnosed with Osteomyelitis in her hipbone. This infection had destroyed her hip and upper femur, migrating from the original site to both upper arms. For weeks we had to prepare her physically by increasing her calories and nutrients in order to help build her reserve. She then underwent the first of five surgeries, including her hip, both arms, leg and growth plate. We are so grateful to Dr. Gardner and The Cure Hospital for providing these surgeries, x-rays, lab work, braces and hospital stays free of charge.
Sawanet and her mother lived at our ‘Yedesta Gibi’– Vulnerable Families & Orphans’ Home for 14 months. HFK’s Medical Coordinator Tammy Brandsma R.N. and our Ethiopian nurses & social workers were instrumental in the daily medical support and care needed for Sawanet’s recovery and long rehabilitation. Hundreds of hours were invested in appointments, physiotherapy and home visits. Through their love and the support of our donors, we had the joy of seeing a life restored. Before our eyes we saw Sawanet develop, heal and return to an active, happy and gentle girl full of promise. In March she received the all-clear by Dr. Gardner and a few days later, she and her mother returned home to the countryside & were reunited with the rest of their family. Thanks to so many, this child has gone home a different girl – alive and thriving by the grace of God and the hope that working together brings!
As an epilogue – God’s timing was perfect.Two days after Sawanet left, we moved three orphaned siblings into her room, the youngest is very ill and they were desperate to find hope. Thankfully we are in the care of a God that restores!

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