Announcements & Events

Happy Ethiopian New Year 2013!

Happy Ethiopian New Year 2013!

By: Eve Pohl Posted On: Sep 11, 2020

Melkam Addis Ahmet!

In Loving Memory of Mehari

In Loving Memory of Mehari

By: Eve Pohl Posted On: Jul 3, 2020

This week, we grieve the sad passing of Mehari Hagos, a dear friend and beloved father.

Recognition from Local Sub-City Office in Addis Ababa

Recognition from Local Sub-City Office in Addis Ababa

By: Eve Pohl Posted On: Jun 26, 2020

THANK YOU to all of our ETHIOPIAN STAFF who do the hard work on the ground and to all of our GENEROUS DONORS - without you, this work would not be possible!

Waste & Recycling Workers Week (June 14-20)

Waste & Recycling Workers Week (June 14-20)

By: Eve Pohl Posted On: Jun 17, 2020

In honour of “Waste and Recycling Workers Week”, we would like to highlight those around the world who work hard to make our streets a cleaner place! A special thank you goes towards workers in Korah, Ethiopia who pour their energy and time each day clearing garbage and managing waste.

HFK Spring Newsletter

HFK Spring Newsletter

By: Eve Pohl Posted On: May 28, 2020

Sharing Hope during Covid-19 and Life before Social Distancing